Meet Thin Green Line, a dedicated supporter of our Tiger Team, working tirelessly to safeguard both villages and critically endangered wildlife in West Sumatra.
Thin Green Line is a global non-profit organisation that directly supports rangers who are on the frontline of conservation efforts. Their mission is to assist these courageous individuals, enabling them to protect themselves, wildlife, communities, and the future of our planet. This support may include providing essential equipment, training, resources, and advocacy. By empowering rangers, Thin Green Line plays a crucial role in combating poaching, habitat destruction, and other threats to biodiversity, ultimately contributing to the preservation of ecosystems and wildlife around the world.
Thin Green Line understands the immense importance of preserving the precious ecosystems of Western Sumatra, which are teeming with diverse species, including the iconic Sumatran tiger. With only an estimated 300 of these magnificent Critically Endangered big cats remaining in the wild, the threats of habitat destruction, loss of prey species, zoonotic diseases, and human-wildlife conflicts loom large.
Through supporting the International Tiger Project, Thin Green Line has been instrumental in supporting our APE Protector (tiger) team to establish trusting relationships within local communities, actively engaging in education and awareness initiatives. Invited to schools and community events, the Tiger Team shares invaluable knowledge about tigers and wildlife conservation, reaching over 700 school children in the past year alone.
Thin Green Line's support enables the Tiger Team to conduct vital research on zoonotic diseases affecting wildlife in Sumatra. Armed with evidence of locally detected diseases, the team educates communities on the impacts of these viruses on both livestock and wildlife.
One such disease, predominantly affecting bush pigs, has led to the depletion of natural prey species for the Sumatran tiger, forcing them to venture out of the forest in search of food. Recognising the urgency of the situation, Thin Green Line and our Tiger Team see it as a shared responsibility to halt the spread of these diseases and protect local tiger populations.
Through their support, Thin Green Line gives hope to the Critically Endangered Sumatran tiger and the delicate ecosystems they call home. Their commitment to conservation is invaluable, and their support of our APE Protector (tiger) Team is instrumental in ensuring a brighter future for both wildlife and communities in West Sumatra.
* APE Protector (APE meaning Animals, People & Environment) is one of six teams under the operation of the Centre for Orangutan Project (COP) and funded by Wildlife Conservation International through The Orangutan Project, International Elephant Project, International Tiger Project and Forests for People.